This year makes 5 years! We hope to make this the biggest year yet! Come out for a great cause and help us raise money for the Lycoming County Special Olympics Athletes! All money raised will go directly to the athletes for things like uniforms, new equipment, and help with travel costs.
We are honored to be able to do this for such amazing people! We have always loved sports and we feel it is a great outlet for today’s youth. That’s why we chose the Special Olympics. This organization and its leaders go above and beyond to provide a caring and fun atmosphere for these special athletes. We look forward to this event every year and hope you can come join us!
We will host a pond tour. This is a self guided tour in which you our AMAZING customers so graciously open up their backyards for us to come and check out their waterfeatures and their gardens! You will see a variety of different features from fountains, to streams, to large streams into large ponds!
DATE: Saturday September 15th 2018
TIME: 10am-4pm (meet at 959 Dunkleburger Rd. at 9:30am to purchase tickets and get your guide)We will host a cookout after the tour at 959 Dunkleburger Rd. where we will be selling dinners and all the proceeds from that will also go to the athletes.
Location: Start at 959 Dunkleburger Rd. We will have a guide for you to follow- each stop, the directions to that stop, and a description of the feature.
Cost: $15/person– All proceeds go to the Lycoming County Special Olympics!

Peace and tranquility